
Can I Drive Under the Influence of Cannabis?

Can I Drive Under the Influence of Cannabis?

Can I Drive Under the Influence of Cannabis?

NO.     Driving under the influence of marijuana  (DUI or DUID) is a serious offense. Here’s the straightforward ruleDon’t do it. It is illegal and punishable by law in the state of Florida. The punishment is similar to that of an alcohol DUI. First-time offenders may face up to 6 months in jail or fines up to $1,000 and the severity of Florida penalties increases with each subsequent conviction. For those caught with marijuana, there may be a penalty for illegal possession as well.

Cannabis Driving Effects

Driving under the influence of cannabis can impair your ability to drive safely, affecting reaction time and judgment. If you’ve used cannabiswait. It’s essential to ensure the effects have fully worn off before getting behind the wheel. Always prioritize safety—for yourself and others on the road.

In Summary

Stay off the road if you’re under the influence. Simple, safe, and smart—keep your driving cannabis-free.

To learn more, visit our medical marijuana FAQ page. Call us today and schedule an appointment (786) 953-6838 to get your marijuana card.

How to Get your Medical Marijuana Card and Get Legal

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