Florida’s Top Medical Marijuana Conditions List | KindHealth

List of Medical Cannabis Qualifying Conditions in Florida

The list of medical marijuana qualifying conditions in Florida includes chronic pain, epilepsy, hepatitis, PTSD and cancer. Legalized medical marijuana became official with the Florida Medical Cannabis Act 2016. KindHealth marijuana doctors check patients for health conditions to get a registry identification card. We perform a thorough medical history. We also review any records you may have as part of the process. Our doctors will see if your problem is a qualifying medical condition. We then create a medical mmj treatment plan. Patients with suitable medical conditions Florida can get mmj. Relief using mmj improves the quality of life for our clients.

  • Severe/chronic pain
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Hepatitis C
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Parkinson disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Glaucoma
  • ALS (Lou Gehrig’s)
  • Terminal illness (poor prognosis of <12-months to live)
  • Other conditions as approved by KindHealth physician

Do I Qualify for an MMJ Card?

If you want a Florida mmj card and have proof of residency, visit us. Our expert certified doctors work with all mmj patients. We offer medical cannabis as natural alternative options. Cannabis is a potential life-altering treatment for your chronic ailment.

THC Cannabis

Medical cannabis has been around for thousands of years. It works to fight inflammation and has analgesic effects. These properties benefit the treatment of muscle spasms, HIV/AIDS, and cancer. MMJ also has positive impacts on seizures and many other conditions. It is also quite useful in giving relief in moderate to severe pain. Cannabis is not a substitute for opioids. Many see it as a lesser of two evils for pain or end-stage illness.  Treatment of patients with mmj may help America’s opioid crisis.

Florida’s Compassionate Care Act

The Compassionate Care Act became law in 2014. This Act created the Office of Medical Marijuana Use. Certified med card doctors now prescribe medical pot to qualified patients. Florida's Amendment 2, an addendum to the Act, passed in 2016. The list of qualifying conditions now includes new disabling illnesses. Doctors can also order weed for conditions of the same kind or class. These choices give more state of Florida patients access to this safe, non-opioid treatment. KindHealth is the best Miami medical weed clinic to get your mmj card. Visit us and see if medical weed will help you.

MMJ Relief for Same Kind or Class Debilitating Medical Conditions

  • Anxiety
  • Back Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis
  • Degenerative Disc Disorder‎
  • Migraine
  • Muscle Spasms‎
  • Seizures
  • ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Cerebral Palsy‎
  • Crohn’s Disease‎
  • Diabetes‎
  • Herniated Disk
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (chronic)
  • Lupus‎
  • Lyme Disease
  • Muscular Dystrophy‎
  • Myasthenia Gravis‎
  • Myositis‎
  • Neuropathy‎
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteoporosis‎
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease‎
  • Polymyalgia Rheumatica
  • Post-Polio Syndrome‎
  • Psychiatric Conditions‎
  • Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy‎
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis‎
  • RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome)
  • Severe and Chronic Pain
  • Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Scoliosis‎
  • Spasticity‎
  • Spinal Stenosis‎
  • Tourette’s
  • Ulcerative Colitis

Assessment for Florida Medical Marijuana Conditions

Our goal is to assess patients with disabling or terminal conditions. There are cannabis-based treatments for a variety of ailments. These have shown proven benefits without any significant side effects. KindHealth assessments consist of a full review of your medical history. Our certified physician does a physical exam and record review. Although medical records can be helpful, our CBD doctor does not need them. We keep all your low-THC or medical weed treatment records private. If you are eligible for medical mmj, schedule a visit. Get your medical mmj card from the best CBD doctors in Florida. We accept cash or credit cards to perform your medical assessment. Even at our most affordable price, we offer a payment plan.

Note on the Same Kind or Class Approval

Medical mmj approval in the United States comes with certain caveats. One of these is the treatment limit to a small number of specific conditions. The conditions treated vary from state to state in the 31 states approving it. One example is anxiety. While most states have passed medical mmj for anxiety, Florida does not. Savvy doctors may use the 'same kind' or 'class' approval for severe anxiety. Your anxiety disorder may 'bridge' to another qualifying condition. This considered in the same class as or comparable condition. Especially if your physician feels cannabis may help.

The Florida Office of Medical Marijuana Use Registry

The Florida Department of Health restricts mmj cards to Florida residents. Patients younger than 18 years of age need two concurring physician assessments. We document this second note in the medical record.  You can reach the Florida OMMU at (800) 808-9580. The Department accepts credit cards for the ID card application fee. Approval for your med card usually takes 10 - 14 days from the time of your payment. Get your marijuana card Florida from KindHealth! Check out the KindHealth blog posts for further information.

How Do States Select a Qualifying Medical Marijuana Conditions List?

Most states across the U.S. have adopted medical cannabis laws. These laws cover doctors recommending medical marijuana to let patients use cannabis legally. The Departments of Health in each state determines and develop their list. Evidence is lacking for the efficacy of mmj for most conditions. Patients report treatment efficacy for nearly 90% of qualifying conditions. In 2016, chronic pain was the most common qualifying condition reported by 67.5% of medical weed patients. Following is a list of common conditions with a brief description.

Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurologic diseases. The medical marijuana program of every state lists seizure. Cannabis has been used to treat and improve seizure control for over 2000 years. Studies have shown that CBD use can lower the number of seizures by as much as 42%. Of note, most of these trials used weed and a usual anti-seizure drug. So, it is not known how or if weed works as the only treatment. The adverse effects of CBD appear to be few or self-limited. The FDA has approved a CBD drug for treating pediatric epilepsy.


Most states now list cancer as an approved condition. Ways in which mmj helps directly fight cancer are being researched. Studies show THC and CBD slow some types of cancer growth in vitro. Animal studies show CBD may slow growth and reduce the spread of some cancers. Early clinical trials for treating cancer in humans are planned. Studies so far have shown that cannabinoids can be safe in treating cancer. They do not show they help control or cure the disease.

Studies show mmj as especially helpful with the symptoms of cancer treatment. Pain, nausea, and appetite loss are the main targets for benefit. Studies have shown that people who take mmj extracts tend to need fewer pain drugs. For cancer symptoms, some patients prefer mmj that contains a THC or CBD balance.

Different strains of cannabis plants have different levels of active compounds. Each user’s experience is personal and hard to predict. MMJ may have various side effects for the user. The most common adverse effect is a feeling of bliss or ‘high.’ Also, it can unpleasantly disorient users and affect movement control. The worst effects may be anxiety and paranoia.

What Is ALS?

ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a fatal disease. While it affects 30,000 Americans, its cause is unknown. ALS affects the motor neurons in nerves. This causes them to degenerate and stop sending messages to the muscle. Sooner or later, patients cannot chew, speak, or walk. As these nerves die, the muscles cause gradual weakness, twitching, and wasting away. While the patient’s mind is fully alert, their brain no longer controls their movements. Death often occurs from the failure of the breathing muscles.

MMJ has powerful anti-oxidative and neuroprotective effects. So much so, the U.S. government has filed patents for these actions on them. Weed has properties that help with ALS pain symptoms and muscle relaxation. It also dilates the lungs and helps with appetite and saliva control. Cannabis may earn a key role in helping patients with this challenging disease.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated process. Here, the body’s immune system fights its brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. MS symptoms include pain, muscle spasms, inflammation, and sleep problems. A first symptom may be numbness of the face, body, arms, or legs. Other symptoms include dizziness, blurred vision, or eye pain. Most patients have marked fatigue that interferes with their daily routines. Weakness, muscle spasm, and loss of balance lead to trouble walking. Bladder incontinence often occurs.

Cannabis helps with many of the symptoms of MS. Oral mmj extract and synthetic THC seem effective. They both reduce patient symptom reports of pain and urine frequency. Patients report some relief of their muscle spasticity. The FDA has approved two oral synthetic cannabis extracts for MS. The most common side effects of these mmj spin-offs were dizziness and drowsiness. Difficulty focusing and memory disturbance are also seen. Research studies with smoked weed have not shown firm evidence yet but are being assessed. The long-term safety of cannabis for MS symptom treatment is not yet known.


Glaucoma is a condition where the pressure inside the eye increases. It is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. The cause of glaucoma is unknown. Effective drug treatments are few, and those have systemic side effects at times. Research suggests both mmj and THC can lower the eye pressure as much as 30 percent. More study is needed to assess any full role cannabis may play.


HIV is a virus that aggressively attacks the immune system. HIV opens the door to other severe infections, cancer, or dementia. It may also lead to nerve pain or wasting syndrome. HIV/AIDS may be lethal, but drug treatment has been successful in saving lives. HIV/AIDS has many complications that mmj positively affects.

Nausea and Vomiting

Patients report MMJ helps a great deal with severe nausea. Nausea is a common complication of both illness and drug treatment. Antiviral drugs called protease inhibitors lead to nausea and vomiting. These symptoms are similar to those seen in cancer patients during drug treatment. THC and CBD for drug-related nausea and vomiting are under study. Marinol is a THC spin-off approved for drug-induced nausea and vomiting.

AIDS Wasting Syndrome

AIDS patients may lose a marked amount of weight. For HIV, loss of as little as 5 percent body weight may be life-threatening. Wasting syndrome is suspect with a weight loss of 10% from baseline with no clear reason. Death from AIDS wasting may occur when patients drop more than 30% below their ideal weight.

Both nausea and appetite loss play a role in wasting. The latter is the main reason AIDS patients take Marinol. Weight loss is one of two indications for which the U.S. FDA has approved the drug for sale. Nausea and vomiting related to cancer drugs is the other reason. Patients using Marinol may have side effects from dry mouth to psychic distress. For these reasons, some AIDS patients prefer smoking mmj to oral THC pills.


In addition to appetite loss, mmj may help other AIDS-related pain. Many AIDS patients suffer from neuropathic pain. This feels like a burning or prickling sensation on the skin. Light touch may suddenly trigger neuropathy. Some AIDS patients report that smoking mmj relieves neuropathic pain.  A clinical study has not confirmed this claim.

MMJ and Chronic Nonmalignant Pain

Pain is our body’s way of telling us there is something wrong.  It is the regular alarm that alerts us to an injury or illness. Pain is the most common reason patients seek relief with medical mmj. Pain has many types, is poorly understood, and is often hard to treat. The causes of pain are endless. Causes include headaches, migraines, muscle spasm, or painful menses. Also, severe are cancer, neuropathy, or pain related to AIDS. There are some types of pain for which we do not have good drug choices. Also, relief often carries side effects. In the search for better pain relief, MMJ promises a new source of pain control.

Types of Pain.


Acute pain typically lasts less than 3 to 6 months. This type of pain may often be related to soft tissue damage.  Acute pain is short-lived and intense. Chronic pain is distinct in that it is sharper and severe. For acute pain that is severe, doctors may prescribe opiates. These are narcotic drugs derived from, or similar to, opium.


Chronic pain is commonly defined as any pain, which lasts more than three months. Whereas, chronic pain is one that persists for months to years. Chronic pain affects as many as 80% of American adults. It is one of the most common debilitating medical marijuana conditions in Florida. For chronic pain, however, opiates rarely bring relief. Sedation, nausea, and addiction can also be problems for long-term users. Over time, people with chronic pain develop tolerance to opioids. This long term effect occurs over months or years. These patients must constantly increase their dosage to get the same relief.

Pain Research

Research shows some promising, results for mmj on the type of pain being treated. At worst, they can provide mild to moderate relief from pain. The body's cannabinoid system plays a natural role in pain control. The nerves that sense pain haves ample cannabinoid receptors on them. These receptors also appear to block nerve pain in animals. Pain signals travel to the brain by one of three main pathways. Studies suggest that opiates and CBD each suppress pain through different paths. If true, mmj could be used with opioids to boost the power of their pain relief.

The most promising studies focus on chronic pain in cancer patients. Cancer can cause pain in many ways. Two examples are inflammation or nerve injury. Blunt assault on a bone or sensitive tissue by a growing tumor is painful. Cancer pain can be severe, endless, and resistant to opiate treatment. Also, many of the opiate side effects seen with cancer were less with mmj. Nausea and vomiting improved. Many patients also report an increase in appetite. In many users, mmj does not take away the pain completely. It just helps them cope with it much better. While their pain level stayed the same, it bothered them much less.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD

PTSD is a psychiatric disorder in 13 million Americans. It occurs in people who have been in or seen a traumatic event. Classic events are war, natural disasters, or terrorist acts.  More common are serious accidents, rape, or violent personal assaults. The prevalence of PTSD is notably higher among veterans of war. Up to 20% of the veterans who served in conflict have PTSD in any given year.

Research shows that PTSD can cause changes in the brain of people who have the syndrome. These changes create an imbalance of brain chemicals that send signals. Of note, the CBD receptor system may play a role in PTSD. Based on some evidence, mmj use for PTSD has potential benefits. However, there is a shortage of valid clinical trials.

Florida Medical Marijuana Cards for a Qualifying Medical Condition

The Florida Department of Health Office of Medical Marijuana allows mmj for qualified patients. A Florida resident needs a health condition on the medical conditions Florida list. Get a qualified medical marijuana card from a licensed medical marijuana doctor. KindHealth helps with medical cards for debilitating conditions. It's great for conditions including chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, or any terminal condition. Doctors recommending medical cannabis do not need your medical records. If you want to use medical marijuana in Florida, come to KindHealth first. To ensure the highest standard of care and compliance with state laws, always seek the guidance of a qualified physician to complete your medical marijuana certification process at KindHealth.


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Can I Apply for a Card if I Dont have Florida ID?
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