
Is Marijuana Safe?

Is Marijuana Safe?

Is Marijuana Safe?

Marijuana is considered a controlled substance by the Food and Drug Administration and has not been approved as safe or efficacious and they classify it as having no medical benefit, on par with drugs such as heroin, cocaine and LSD. Of note, not a single death from a marijuana overdose has ever been reported and there is no major evidence that occasional use leads to long-term health problems. That said, it is unclear if one can totally use cannabis safely, as the effects of long-term, heavy marijuana use are still being studied. While there are risks to using every drug or medicine, marijuana compares much more favorably to the widely available drugs alcohol or tobacco that both show a much worse side effect profiles, higher addiction potentials and negative life impact.

To learn more, visit our medical marijuana FAQ page. Call us today and schedule an appointment (786) 953-6838 to get your marijuana card.

How to Get your Medical Marijuana Card and Get Legal

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