
Are a Variety of Strains of Marijuana Available?

Are Different Varieties of Strains or Products Available?

Are a Variety of Strains of Marijuana Available?

YES.    The medical marijuana treatment centers have a number of Florida dispensary locations. There are a variety of strains of marijuana available. This, in part, addresses patient choices and the marijuana flower entourage effect. In Florida, strains are tested for the relative amounts of CBD and THC to pinpoint the different properties designed to treat your specific condition. In addition the MMTCs carry different forms including liquids that can be vaporized, oils, concentrates, topical ointments, wax, pills and accessories. Food preparation can also be enhanced by the infusion of cannabis extracts. At the time of this writing, the “possession, use, or administration of marijuana in a form for smoking is not allowed except for flower in a sealed, tamper-proof receptacle for vaping.” While possession of flower is now legal, personal cultivation is still illegal in Florida.

Smoke Legal Weed Now!

To learn more, visit our medical marijuana FAQ page. Call us today and schedule an appointment (786) 953-6838 to get your marijuana card.

How to Get your Medical Marijuana Card and Get Legal