Safe Marijuana Use Pre/Post-Pregnancy Guide

How to Consume Marijuana Before And After Pregnancy

Using marijuana before and after pregnancy is controversial. Cannabis is one of the most used drugs in the world today. According to officials, more than 250 million people used weed at least once. It’s hard to imagine the real numbers of users with growing cannabis use. Each passing day people become more aware of its high safety profile. You can learn more about cannabis effects on humans on AskGrowers.

Younger people, both men, and women are more likely to use weed than before. Most women who use cannabis are in their reproductive age. The point being that half of pot users continue its use during pregnancy. The self-reported data on smoking weed during pregnancy show a 2-5% rate. This rises to 28% among younger and the socioeconomically hindered.


The period of pregnancy is often not easy for a mother-to-be. Women often have anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness. Cannabis is believed to help with such problems. So it is not surprising that women tend to consume it during pregnancy. Mothers also often need to combat the postpartum 'baby blues'. This type of sadness can be helped with the use of pot. In this case, mothers use it in the period of breastfeeding. But the question still remains unanswered, does smoking weed affect pregnancy? And if it does, what are the effects of cannabis on mother and on a child? Let’s find out the answers.

The Effects Of Cannabis On A Mother

There is a crucial difference in weed effects on male and female bodies. The main active components act via endocannabinoid receptors. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology reports on these receptors. It finds these receptors mostly in female conceptive systems. The body reaction on cannabinoids depends on the estrogen amount. Estrogen is rightly called a women’s sex hormone. Speaking in general, the effects of weed on the female body are stronger. The ladies’ state of high is more potent. This can lead to cannabis disorders quicker than it does for men.


Women, as a rule, smoke hash less than men. This despite the many special benefits of hash. For instance, claim hash eases their PMS symptoms and menstrual pains. It also relieves their anxiety and sadness. Some people use weed in order to improve their sexual experience. They claim to get a better physical and mental connection with their partners. It is also proved that cannabis oil affects breast cancer. Lots of women are also in love with cannabis skincare.

There are lots of weed benefits for pregnant women. Despite this, there are many concerns about using marijuana before and after pregnancy. As expected, animal studies are the rule, and small numbers of human studies limits trusted conclusions on its safety. Sill, doctors advise future mothers to be careful with weed use in pregnancy.

Cannabis Effects on Pregnant Mother

Studies by MGH Center for MGH Center for Women's Mental Health shows cannabis may have bad effects on the mother’s body. Cannabinoids relax the muscles and influence contraction. These actions may impair fallopian motility. This may impair the passing of the fertilized egg to the uterus. More cannabinoids are found in the blood of women with ectopic than those with a normal pregnancy. Also, in such cases embryo may develop slower and with higher mortality risk. There is a theory that cannabinoids make the uterus less receptive. THC, the main active compound in marijuana, decreases the uptake of folic acid uptake in the fetus. Folic acid is essential for the healthy development of the embryo. A lack of folic acid carries a higher risk of miscarriage.

Stress and Pregnancy

On the one hand, it is very important for a woman to be calm, relaxed, and happy during pregnancy. Stress can harmfully influence her and her baby’s health. Using marijuana before and after pregnancy relieves pains and worries. Weed tends to give consumers a state of happiness and euphoria. On the other hand, the negative effects of marijuana may occur. Issues like attention decrease, problems with memory and motivation. These issues with the mom's ability to care for her baby the right way.

Cannabis effects during pregnancy depend on the stage and amount used. National Institute of Drug Abuse studies on U.S. cannabis use shows it more common in the first trimester than second or third. The more frequent and later a woman consumes cannabis during pregnancy, the more risks she gets.

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada has weighed in. They find 70% of women think there is “slight or no risk” of harm in using weed once or twice / week. They state it is always only your personal decision to use it or not.

The Effects Of Consuming Cannabis While Pregnant with A Child

Anything a pregnant woman eats, drinks, puts on her skin, or inhales can affect her future child. Cannabis is not an exception. There is no exact evidence of the influence of prenatal cannabis exposure on the fetus. There are ongoing studies that prove the possibility of risks.

First of all, THC stays in fat up to 8 days and in blood up to 30 days after consumption. THC is lipophilic so it easily goes pass the placenta barriers. A primate study proved cannabis appears in fetal blood in 15 minutes after the mother’s ingestion. It takes 3 hours the levels of THC in maternal and fetal blood get equal. There is no doubt an embryo is exposed to pot in the uterus if the mother-to-be is smoking weed.

Low Birth Weight

Though the studies on the subject are limited, certainly most of them are dedicated to the physical and mental problems of children who had been exposed to marijuana in the uterus. Research by The College of Family Physicians of Canada shows a decreased birth weight. Researchers also note low birth lengths related to weed use while pregnant.

Low Birth Length

Researchers also note low birth length. Another thing influence of cannabis is neurodevelopment. Pot can impact the developing brain. This may cause tremors, decreased light reaction, aggression and attention lack. All of these changes may be seen by the age of 18 months. Late changes are irritability, hyperactive behavior, and verbal and visual perception problems.

Impaired Cognition

But a systematic and overall review published in Frontiers in Psychology shows the reverse. Analysis of the literature in different studies shows conflicting data. These studies show the cognitive outcomes of pot exposed children don’t differ much. Thus, evidence of the cognitive influence of prenatal cannabis use on a fetus is not reliable.

Also, there is not much data on smoking weed while breastfeeding. THC is lipophilic and absorbs into fat and therefore, stored in breast milk. A baby can get some THC from the mother in a period of 6 days after weed use. There is evidence that using pot during the first month of breastfeeding can cause issues. These include motor and brain development problems at the age of 1 year.


It should always be a mother’s choice as to what to consume and how. Certainly, weed is getting more and more popular. Also, its benefits are factual. It is just always wise to take a balanced approach and to think twice when it comes to the mother’s and baby’s health. If you insist on using marijuana before and after pregnancy, consult with your doctor. This assurance keeps you and your baby healthy.


How to Consume Marijuana Before and After Pregnancy

The views expressed in this guest post do not necessarily reflect the views of KindHealth, nor its affiliated doctors or staff. Go here for more information its author Lana Jones.

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