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What You Never Knew About CBD for Inflammation

Use of CBD for Inflammation: Breakdown of Current Evidence

Almost all of us today have some form of inflammation in the body. May of us suffer from minor aches, a chronic condition, inactivity, or overactivity. An alarming 1 in 4 of us here in the U.S. have high levels of inflammation. This puts us at risk of getting some of the thorniest diseases of our time. Because of the widespread benefits of plant-derived CBD for inflammation, more folks are shelving anti-inflammatory drugs.

The switch to naturally occurring CBD for inflammation treatment is gaining increased speed today. There is an ever-unfolding amount of evidence pointing to the positive effects of CBD.  It affects the liver and helps pain management while also reducing swelling. Here's a breakdown of the current knowledge about CBD for inflammation.

Nuts and Bolts of Inflammation

Before we discuss CBD as a natural anti-inflammatory, let's first review the basics of inflammation. There are two forms: acute and chronic.

Acute inflammation:

This is a core part of our immune response. Acute inflammation kicks into full speed when foreign bacteria and viruses penetrate the body. Fluids and proteins coat infected areas. This causes inflammation to  safeguard and treat the affected tissue. However, swelling from sickness and accidents is not the type of inflammation we need to be worried about. Acute inflammation is part of our body's healing response.

Chronic or low-level inflammation:

This is what you have to watch out for. Sedentary, obese folks with chronic inflammation often develop lasting infections or abnormal immune responses. Because it causes our immune system to go into overdrive for prolonged periods, low-level/chronic inflammation deteriorates our arteries and organs. It also hinders the natural absorption of nutrients. Chronic type of inflammation is a culprit in various diseases and cancers.

Chronic inflammation can lead to heart disease, uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes, arthritis. In addition, it may cause the tangled proteins that spread Alzheimer's, MS, and even depression. The overwhelming amount of research connecting inflammation and cancer is also widely accepted.

By producing free radicals that damage DNA and provoke mutations, chronic inflammation can cause cells to enlarge and divide continuously. In turn, this leads to additional immune cells and worse inflammation. As inflammation escalates, so do cancer tumors.

So, if chronic inflammation is the wrong agent in so many debilitating diseases, how can it be managed?

How Cannabis Unlocks the Body's Natural Healing Power

Our brain and central nervous system have dedicated cannabis neurotransmitters called endocannabinoids. Intrinsic endocannabinoids (CB1 antagonists and CB2 agonists) bind our cannabinoid receptor proteins (CB1 and CB2) when we consume naturally occurring cannabinoids extracted from the cannabis Sativa subspecies hemp and marijuana. These fascinating cannabinoids, called phytocannabinoids, interact with our unique endocannabinoid system (ECS), a key player in inflammation.

The ECS modulates many of our vital physiological systems. Its powerful healing effects help treat inflammation and bolster the associated immune system while restoring balance and a sense of well-being.

What's in Full-Spectrum Cannabis?

There are 100+ health-aiding cannabinoids in the remarkable cannabis plant. In addition to cannabinoids and phytocannabinoids, the complex cannabis plant is a breeding ground for a network of life-sustaining and health-boosting components. Some of the vast nutrients in full-spectrum cannabis include vitamins E and D, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Many different minerals and antioxidants critical to our health, longevity, mental strength, and cognitive capacity.

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD) is the next most widely recognized and studied cannabis-derived phytocannabinoid. Unlike THC, CBD doesn't make doesn't you feel serene, euphoric, elevated, or "different" in any noticeable way because it doesn't have any psychoactive properties. However, CBD continues to show incredible results as a natural therapeutic agent and inflammation treatmentSo, how does CBD for inflammation work?

CBD for Inflammation: How it Works

CBD is a natural and non-psychoactive anti-inflammatory compound that's becoming increasingly sought after nationwide. Americans are using more full-spectrum CBD extract as a post-workout smoothie booster. Also popular are coffee supplements, and therapeutic agents in topical lotions to help treat inflammation.

Whole-plant or full-range CBD oil is also one of the best sources of vitamin D, an essential part of the natural regulation of insulin. So, what does this have to do with how to reduce inflammation? The anti-inflammatory effects of insulin have been known for some time now. Because of its regulatory and natural anti-inflammatory effects, Vitamin D in the cannabis plant facilitates the body's natural harmony and helps cure inflammation.

CBD, in the form of hemp oil, is another documented inflammation treatment. It provides natural anti-inflammatory benefits and relieve pain from swelling. 90% of the cannabinoid content in whole-plant hemp oil is CBD. A recent study on the neurological benefits of CBD also provided compelling evidence that CBD curtails inflammatory stimuli, diminishes neuroinflammation, and provides neuroprotection. Thanks to the antioxidant properties in full-plant CBD oil, CBD can also mitigate the impact of free radicals on cancer development and chronic inflammation.

Other Cannabinoids in Whole-Plant CBD for Inflammation

Beyond CBDA/CBD, we know other notable precursors to anti-swelling phytocannabinoids in whole-plant CBD extract to treat inflammation systematically. These precursors can transform into descendant phytocannabinoids by combining with other natural chemicals through a system characterized as the "cannabinoid biosynthetic pathway." Through direct and indirect actions, many of the derivative, plant-based phytocannabinoids created from these acids work together to interact with endocannabinoids in our bodies to reduce inflammation.

  • CBGA (Cannabigerolic Acid)

CBGA (aka 'the mother of all cannabinoids') is 'the precursor to three core phytocannabinoids that help cure inflammation: CBD, THC, and CBC (discussed below). In other words, CBDA/CBD, THCA/THC, and CBCA/CBC byproducts all start as CBG from CBGA acid.

In addition to being a productive (and natural) inflammation treatment for anti-inflammatory disorders and inflammatory bowel disease (e.g., ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), CBG from CBGA has also been effective as an analgesic for pain relief. It may also delay the buildup of bacteria.

  • CBCA (Cannabichromenic Acid)

CBCA is another indirect, natural anti-inflammatory agent. CBCA is the raw enzyme precursor to its derivative CBC (Cannabichromene). Interestingly enough, CBC is a unique phytocannabinoid that doesn't interact with our cannabinoid receptor proteins, CB1 and CB2, like the other cannabis-derived phytocannabinoids. Instead, CBC interacts with receptors in our body that are involved in pain perception.

CBC from CBCA acts as a natural anti-inflammatory treatment by indirectly modulating our ECS and facilitating our natural molecular and physiological processes. It also consistently demonstrates antiviral, analgesic, minor antifungal, and antibacterial solid functions.

  • Cannabichromevarin (CBCV)

CBCV has a chemical structure similar to but shorter than that of CBC. CBCV is a powerful and natural anti-inflammatory phytocannabinoid that mitigates inflammatory conditions like arthritis. Activated cannabis extract contains CBCV. Beyond its impressive effectiveness as an inflammation treatment, CBCV is also a compelling anticonvulsant, antidepressant, antibiotic, analgesic, and antifungal.

CBCV can produce these benefits by sustaining the naturally occurring anandamide (AEA) neurotransmitter in our brain (i.e., inhibiting the reuptake of AEA). Activated cannabis strains with less of the CBD and THC phytocannabinoids that people rave about often contain CBCV.

  • Cannabinol (CBN)

CBN is yet another phytocannabinoid that helps reduce inflammation. CBN makes up less than 1% of many cannabis plants. Exposing THC to high temperatures and oxygen generates CBN. The process to get to CBN goes from CBGA > THCA > CBNA > CBN, which combines natural and artificial activities. Because there's such a maturation process to produce this substance, CBN doesn't interact with our inherent CB1 and CB2 receptors like other phytocannabinoids.

According to preliminary findings, CBN may promote healthy bone tissue, help heal bone fractures, and reduce pain beyond helping to cure inflammation. CBN could also have significant benefits as a sedative and sleep aid, mood enhancer, burn remedy, and possibly even as an antibacterial for MRSA, but more research is needed.

CBD for Inflammation from Arthritis

CBD has a long history of ameliorating pain from arthritis, the leading cause of disability in the U.S. today. It is commonly known as a natural anti-inflammatory for Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which causes painful inflammation and swollen and stiff joints. A 2017 study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health found that CBD may also be a safe and effective cure for Osteoarthritis (OA) joint pain. OA is a type of arthritis that causes stiffness in joint cartilage and bones, often impacting the hip, knee, and thumb joints.

From Ibuprofen to Plant-Based CBD for Inflammation Treatment

Reading the back of a bottle of anti-inflammatory drugs today can be frightening. Ibuprofen, aspirin, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause liver damage, ulcers, high blood pressure, dizziness, stroke, and a list of different issues. Because of liver injury and other serious side effects of these anti-inflammatory drugs, athletes, overworked professionals, and many other folks are seeing the innumerable benefits of upgrading to natural CBD for inflammation and pain management.

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoids in our brain, CB1 antagonists, and CB2 agonists, which have been proactively researched for some time now for the treatment of liver injury and lingering pain. Compared to non-natural anti-inflammatory drugs, its positive effects on the liver further drive the switch from Ibuprofen and aspirin to plant-derived CBD for inflammation and pain.

Are you looking for more information on CBD for inflammation treatment? Give us a call at 786.953.6838. We'd love to chat. If you're interested in finding out about cannabis for chronic pain, browse our article, Cannabis for Pain Relief—Exploring the Possibilities.

CBD for inflammation, reduce inflammation, inflammation treatment, how to reduce inflammation, treat inflammation, cure inflammation, natural anti-inflammatory

For information on using marijuana to reduce inflammation or treat inflammation, see our related page “Medical Marijuana Qualifying Conditions” and to learn more marijuana facts, visit our medical marijuana FAQ page. Call us at (786) 953-6838 to schedule an appointment and get your marijuana card today!


For even more info:
Beginner’s Guideline to Cannabis Edibles
Comprehensive Guide to Medical Marijuana for Seniors
Who Needs a Marijuana Card?
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