Online Renewal Kiosk

KindHealth Marijuana Doctors

Online Renewal Kiosk

Switch Doctors


Returning Patients


Why Should I Order my Refill on the Online Renewal Kiosk?

Florida law allows for a prescription of only up to 70 days worth of cannabis medicine and patients must get refills throughout the year to maintain their supply.

  • Ordering Your Refill:

To order your refill, follow these steps:

      • Florida Law: Florida law permits prescriptions for up to 70 days of cannabis medicine. Patients need refills throughout the year to maintain their supply.
      • Doctor Assessment: When you request a refill, our doctors will assess the effectiveness of your last prescription. They’ll inquire about side effects and determine the necessary dosage and amount for your new refill.
      • Timing: Call two weeks before your initial order expires to ensure timely processing.
      • Contact Information: If you need a refill or have questions, email us at, and we’ll assist you.
  • Re-Certification Appointments:

Florida patients certified for medical marijuana must have re-certification appointments with their physician approximately every 210 days (around every seven months). These visits are separate from the annual card renewal. We recommend you call 2 weeks before your initial order expires to assure your refill is ordered in a timely manner.

      • During Appointments: Physicians evaluate your progress, document success, and update the drug database.
      • Cost: The initial 7-month certification for new patients switching doctors cost $125, with subsequent follow-ups costing $99.
  • Legal Considerations:

Keep in mind that state rules prohibit medical marijuana “prescriptions” due to federal illegality.

      • Residency: Seasonal residents without a Florida driver’s license can still prove residency through other means.
      • Dispensary Purchases: Only licensed Florida dispensaries provide legally possessed medical marijuana.
      • Authorized Dispensaries: Florida MMTCs (Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers) are the only places where patients can legally purchase medical marijuana. If you buy marijuana from any other source—even with your Florida medical card—it won’t be considered “medical marijuana,” and you may risk arrest or penalties.

Refill Your Cannabis Script with our Online Renewal Kiosk